I think that all-nighter on my final paper is going to haunt me. I go tup late and basically just hung out in my PJs all day. I did laundry and chatted with friends and family back home, catching everyone up on my whereabouts and whatnot. Later in the evening, Jess, Tom, Dave, and I all went to a cider house

where we proceeded to get just slightly more intoxicated than might generally be considered proper. I actually wandered across the street to the sister pub to the Cider Tap, which is for beer, to get on the wi-fi really quickly and found a hole in the ground.

Anyway. Here we are in the train having random conversation on our way to the Cider Tap!
Remember that surprise I was telling you about? Yeah. It's this:

Well, after the Euston Cider Tap we popped into a McDonalds, I got a large fry and a chicken bacon salad which came with a 2012 Olympic CocaCola glass and wristband (and there was much rejoicing...), and then we headed to a club! My first club in London, well, actually, just my first club. The Roadhouse!

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Yeah, I was here until like 3 in the morning. Wooo London! After that we caught the bus home. I watched the sun rise as I slipped into bed and into sleep.

Ciao for now!

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