Alright, so, Thursday:

I pretty much sat in my room doing research on what I'd like to do before I leave until around 2:30. After that I caught the tube down to Waterloo and walked this route:

View Larger Map

a) Waterloo
c) Somerset House
d) Royal Courts of Justice
e) St. Paul's Cathedral
f) London Bridge
g) The Tower of London
h) Tower Bridge
i) HMS Belfast
j) The London Bridge Experience
k) The Golden Hinde
l) The Clink Prison Museum
m) Shakespeare's Globe
n) Tate Modern
o) The Inside-Out Theatre at the Terrace Bar and Food
p) The London Eye
q) Waterloo

As you can imagine, the route I took was similar to this but not exact; for instance, I walked along the Thames instead of along the road to go between the London Bridge and the Tower of London. Other than that it was very similar though.

Here's the day's photos and videos!

This is a fun little rooftop that keeps drawing my attention just across the street from the Waterloo station, at the bus stop:

The Somerset House area...

which is in/on/around King's College:

Here is the Royal Courts of Justice building:

On the way to St. Paul's:

St. Paul's Cathedral:

Just across the street and down some stairs from St. Paul's Cathedral:

London Bridge:

The walk from London Bridge to The Tower of London:

The Tower of London:

Tower Bridge:

The center of Tower Bridge:

The Tower of London from across the Thames:

The HMS Belfast:

Another Olympics statue on the walk away from the HMS Belfast:

The London Bridge Experience:

This cute little church I couldn't find on Google Maps:

The Golden Hinde shippy thingy:

With it's olympics pirate:

And the walkway to The Clink Prison:

The Clink Tunnel:

This is, I believe, in a tunnel after the Clink Tunnel:

Yet another Olympics critter:

And another:

Here is the Tate Modern:

A brilliant group, three of the four of the Reminiscence Quartet just playing near another tunnel walk:

The carousel near the London Eye:

A street performer on a unicycle:

And a man playing a song I used to know in the tunnel just outside Waterloo:

After this I was pretty exhausted so I went back to the flat, stopping by Sainsbury's on the way for something quick to eat, and then went to bed!

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