
So, on the 7th, I had big plans to see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, go for gluten free fish and chips, go have high tea, and ride the London Eye; what happened was, I went to Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard had been cancelled due to an Olympic event, they had run out of gluten free batter at Mam's Fish & Chips but didn't tell me until after I'd paid and sat down, then they tried to keep my money (which I did get back) so I had to get food from the shop that turned out to be much better than expected, it was too late for high tea and so I just hung out in Camden. My friend Vicki, from the Study Abroad session, returned to London from her adventures elsewhere and met up with me there. She'd been before so she showed me around and a local friend of hers, Eve, joined us as well. So, for those not in the know, imagine a flea market, make it a sweet mix of more modern and more antiquated, make it younger and cool, and make the bartering system the law. I, with Eve's help (mostly Eve, almost entirely Eve, okay, I stood there...), talked a man down on a leather Matrix jacket from £800 to £170. I didn't get it of course, but that was a very cool experience. Later we went to a pub, and when we were done with that one we went to a metal bar to see if we could meet up with one of the shopkeepers from Camden Markets who had invited us down. She never showed but I had a blast anyway! The bartender was a man from New York and we hit it off, talking about the good ol' U.S. of A. The rest of that night was pretty hazy but involved my going back to the hostel and hanging out with the Italian bartender, who just happened to have the most incredible accent. She sounded Italian, English and Australian, it was beautiful! After that I went to bed!

I'll do a major photo dump once I get a chance, for now I'm just keeping everyone up to date! :)


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