Warning: Irresponsible behavior, and bad grammar, below.
Those with delicate sensibilities,
ye be warned.

Today, I slept. I went down to Surbiton and got a few groceries, I booked a party hostel called Clink 78, I finagled with light packing, I chatted with my Clayhill buddies, and then:

Goodbye Party!

Jess and Tom got a hold of me. It had been decided that, since Jess was flying back to the States the next day, and I was moving out to a hostel the next day, we should make a night of it! And oh, what a night was made!

First stop! Ciao

 for Gelato! They even had a few that were lactose free (theoretically)! I got Mango and Strawberry and we hopped back onto the tube to Surbiton; that's right, we rode in a train and then on the subway for nearly half an hour EACH WAY in order to get this gelato. If you haven't had it, you don't know. After which we rushed back to have shisha whilst the flavor was still on our tongues. On the way we finally got a hold of The Spaniard who came down to meet us. After we ordered our shisha and sat, I popped into The Masala for some curry!

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Mmm mmm good! Nom nom rice and nommyness! When I brought my delish' dish back to the shisha shop, Dave (yeah, he's The Spaniard) had shown up and things were progressing.

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Shisha was smoked, O rings were blown, and merriment was had!
After we closed down the hookah bar we went back to the flat and taught the Englishmen how to play ...

Dun dun DUN

Beer Pong!


Honesty being the best policy here, it was all Jess's idea. ;)  <3
(I know you're going to bust me on this B T Dubbs.)

There was spilling, splashing, drenching, drinking, and all manor of other weirdness. Dave flicked his al-u-minium (That's how the English pronounce it, don't blame me.) ping pong ball to get the water off and splashed Tom, who then retaliated, who was then retaliated agains, who then made paranoid but didn't retaliate against, save the fear tactics, and was, in fact, preemptively re-retaliated against when Dave dumped a half full glass of beer on Toms's head...

Yeah, it was that kinda night.

I must say, all evening I was composed and conservative, valiantly upholding the propriety that the English are known for, and have, apparently, lost in the new generations laid back revelry... Not. See, while they were playing, and getting their asses handed to them by the Team USA that Jess and I composed, and drinking beer, and when that ran out, wine, I was drinking whisky. I have videos of this night but have been sworn to save those videos, and images, until a suitable need for, we'll say leverage (..."says you, I think I feel a change in the wind, says I.") arises. Arrr!

On the other hand:

Dave being fabulous

Tom being aggressive

And getting Jess.

And after that I don't really remember anything. I do know I woke up in my bed though!

Ciao for now!

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