Today was pretty laid back. After drinking two nights in a row I kinda settled down and couldn't bring myself to do much. I woke up on Tom's floor. Said goodbye, promised I'd come back with paracord to make bracelets for everybody (a promise I never kept), and went to The Coronation Hall for breakfast. After I figured out some eggs, rashers, and a salad, I hit up Waitrose for bread and yogurt. After that I grabbed stamps for my postcards that have been written for days and unsent. Then came down to Clink 78, sorted out charging my stuff and then began photographing everything. This place is amazing! It's really a beautiful place. I'll post photos as soon as my connection improves, and expect more! I had lunch up the street at a little cafe, again rashers and eggs, and then I spent the last few hours photographing Clink and catching up on my blogging!

Photos to come! Those videos of Joe's performance too, though those are really more for my personal nostalgia since the lighting is shot and I'm sure the audio from being recorded on my iPhone is all canny. Anyway,  if you don't like them, don't disillusion me.

Ciao for now!

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