Epic Finale

My sincerest apologies for this last blog taking so long. I have had a very busy, and exhausting, reintroduction.

En route from Boston to New York

My favorite photographic equipment company! Turns out internet businesses DO have a physical location!

I'm in New York!

Nuyorican Poets Cafe!!!

Times Square!

Where's Rio?

Remind anyone of Back to the Future?

Sad little mouse. Last moments...

A video I did for people who liked my Facebook checkin at Times Square. I apologize for my absurd colloquial attitude, I was running on exhilaration and caffeine.

So, once Avery woke up and rejoined me I went to find a place to stash my pocket knife. You see, there is security to get into the Empire State Building much like there is to get into the airport, and my knife had made it this far so I wasn't about to loose it to some building security. I found a place in one of the bathroom stalls to stash the thing and then we collected our freshly charged electronics and headed off to go see the view from 102 stories up!

Going up!

It's surprisingly calm, as far as wind goes, 86 floor above ground.

And now, the 102 floor!

The 4 sides of the Empire State Building

After we came down, we meandered around, keeping an eye out for food and a place to print the tickets for the Yankees game. Finding a smoothie cart and a FedEx, we completed both tasks and then headed for the subway. Avery figured out our route but I wanted to be certain so I asked at the info booth where he confirmed Avery's path and sold us passes with enough to get us to Yankee Stadium and back to our bus stop. We caught the subway, accidentally hopped off a little early, and Avery again mapped out the rest of our travels as I was loosing brainpower from being hungry. We were to be getting food at the ballgame so I hadn't eaten. Finding ourselves at the stadium, I discovered that, yet again, my pocket knife was going to be a problem... At this point I was famished and not functioning at my best so I said screw it and, as Avery had no real attachment to the Yankees, being from Boston, I scalped the tickets and we headed back to find food and go to the Nuyorican Poets Cafe again to blow time waiting for our bus.

Subway, waiting for the Trainman.

On the way to the Nuyorican Poets Cafe we had to pause and again charge our phones. It turns out that the Maps app, as well as taking a ridiculous number of photographs, uses a lot of battery. So, I asked some police for recommendations on where we might be able to have a cup of tea and charge our phones and they, sadly, pointed out a Starbucks. I feel doomed to be stuck with Starbucks as my emergency backup tea shop. It hurts the soul. Well, once we had again sat for a while and enjoyed just being in New York, charging our phones and drinking ... tealike substance, we headed off and found food and the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, which we entered only a little bit before they closed and then were back on the streets in search of Times Square to waste away the final hours before our departure back to Boston.

When time came, we meandered down to the bus stop, got on board and both quickly passed out. We awoke in Boston, staggered back to Avery's and, again, passed out. When we finally woke for the day, I got in contact with my cousin Kathleen and we made plans to meet for lunch before I went to the airport. I finished packing, figured out I had lost my Kogeto Dot, the 360ยบ lens attachment for the iPhone, gave up looking and went off to meet up for lunch!

Back in Boston, meeting family!

Kathleen and Rose!

We met Kathleen, who immediately offered to drive me to the airport, which I accepted gladly, and she took us up the street to meet Rose, her daughter! What a fantastic family I'm a part of! Running short on time we found a place I could eat and grabbed a quick bite to eat before Kathleen took us up and dropped us at Boston International! Unfortunately BOS is pretty large so, though we all thought I was at the right gate, I wasn't and Ave and I had to zip over to another terminal. Luckily we caught a ride! My first time on one of these!

About to hop on Avery.

Heading for Denver!

The clouds were rolling like water! Very cool.

Some of the odd panoramic shots of New York. I figured I'd just toss these in all together.

In Denver I had the pleasure of giving one of the cocktail waitresses at the smoking lounge a smile on a bad day at work. A lady was giving her a hard time about not wanting to buy a drink while sitting in an establishment and smoking, so I leaned over and offered to buy her one, which seemed to confuse everyone involved and the whole conversation was dropped for a moment. After she brought my order I gave her a significant tip and addressed her directly, made eye contact and made her feel human again. A little while later I got her to vent and smile, and as I was leaving I bussed my own place and said goodbye as I left, promising to come back through and visit her the next time I flew through Denver.

I zipped down to my gate only to realize they had changed it on me. I rushed to the new gate and arrived just in the nick of time. They had closed the doors but the plane was still on the ground! Caught the plane and slept until I got to Bozeman!

What an amazing trip! Thank you everyone for all your contributions, advise, and good wishes!

I hope you enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed writing it!


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