Today I woke up, blogged about yesterday, and then, when Ave woke up we went to find breakfast. Unfortunately everything was closed so we just popped into a bakery. He got a cappuccino and I had my first bubble tea experience! It was horrible. Just sayin'. After, we popped into a grocery store for food but, again unfortunately, I actually didn't have time to eat before I had to run to catch my bus to NY.
The ride was long and the driver/soft shocks kind of made me motion sick; however, I did meet a lady, Laura (pronounced Laura, not Lora) who was returning home to DC after going to the SCA convention. So, she is a gamer and we had a lot to talk about. It was pretty excellent!
After I arrived I walked her to her next coach; however, by the time we got there it had left. This was largely due to the driver of our coach needing to stop to wee en route. Since she had to go on standby for the next coach, which wasn't for another 90 minutes, she took me out to eat! It was a lovely surprise actually. She just threw her card down after the meal and said "I've got this." afterward I walked her to her bus and waited with her until they showed up before running off to the Nuyorican Poet's Cafe! Finally! Getting here took me 12 years and several thousand mikes; however, it is one place I can now check off my bucket list! When I got there it was booked for a private event but they let me in on donation anyway, likely because I'm brown. It was for the South Asian community. Since it was a series of performances it was laid out more like a small theatre than a cafe but tonight is open mic so I'm hoping it's more cafe than theatre; though I'm kind of skeptical that this will actually be the case. It was small, quaint really, but had all the amenities of a full production theatre with a small bar for drinks and concessions. I got a T-shirt! It was one of the last 2 they had in stock! Yay!
After this I walked back and collected Avery from the bus stop and we found dinner at a little old school style, like 1950's diner. They even charged my phone for me whilst we ate. After dinner we meandered down to Times Square and hung out drinking Starbucks (blech!) all night and writing poetry and music. Then when the sun started coming up we started to get hungry but waited to see Good Morning America start doing their business. After that we headed down to this gluten free restaurant for breakfast that is pretty much right between the Chrysler building and the Empire State Building and has a GF menu! Once breakfast was out of the way, we decided to find a place to charge out devices and where Avery could nap. Honestly I may follow suit but I'll have to tell you later.
More to come!

Ciao for now!

Location:W 29th St,New York,United States

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