Got to Boston! Yay! American soil! Gluten free labeling I recognize at a glance! Oh, it was an amazing adventure but it is good to be home. It was brilliant until the hostel. Now, don't get me wrong, Clink 78 was a lot of fun; however, I feel like I just wanted things to become more permanent the longer I stayed, not less. Moving from a nice flat to a hostel was sort of the deteriorating point where I began to miss home. I just couldn't make a hostel into a home I suppose.
Once I was picked up by Avery we went to his flat and dropped off my luggage and then on a quest for tea and food. Upon accomplishing these things, we went out busking at The Boston Gardens. He played his fiddle and I wrote. A while into this I went for a walk to a Montblanc store to get more ink for my fountain pen and while I was there I ended up giving my number to a beautiful woman, Alex, who apparently knows the owners of Vibram shoes; she had noticed my FiveFingers toe-shoes. I was hoping she would call when she got off work but it never happened. Sigh. Anyway, I returned to Avery in The Commons, which is a name that umbrellas the Gardens and surrounding park-like areas. The gardens are beautiful! No peacocks but they reminded me of the Kew garden in London, just more compact, less catalogued. I wrote about what I saw while there; when we initially showed up to busk, a woman was situating herself to lay down and take a nap. All I did was write about what went on from the time she laid down to when she left and added narrative reasoning. Just a fun, simple exercise. After Avery finished, we were joined by Sangit, one of my flatmates in the Study Abroad program, and he treated us to a place called Uno, which has a gluten free menu! I got a burger with no bun and a hard cider. Whoo! Afterward we caught a tube... subway, back to Avery's area, Said goodnight to Sangit after making plans for the weekend, and returned home. I grabbed some cash and drink for Avery and myself and we went to a little park about a block from Avery's where I fell asleep as he wrote. When he was done he woke me up, we came home and I went to bed.

Location:Beacon St,Brookline,United States

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