The window next to my bunk at Clink 78

A photographer's spread in the King's Cross Station

Just a really interesting person on the Tube from King's Cross. He barely moved the whole trip, never looked to the side and then just got up and walked out when he got to his stop. It was like he was on pause or something.

The Imperial Hotel, where my Grandfather Don, Gloppy, stayed during WWII

Camden Market for a minute.

Mam's Grill for Gluten Free fish and chips, even though they were out of GF batter and tried to keep my money anyway...

Where I ate after finding some noms at the store.

Back to Camden Market

Vicki, from my Study Abroad session.

Her new piercing.

Vicki's friend Eve from back when Eve went to Study Abroad in America at Vicki's school.

This fun little metal bar, what a blast!

A cool sign I saw on the tube back to Clink 78 for my last night in London

And a really cool purple haired chick at King's Cross Station

I'm going to Hogwarts!!!

They stopped me!

Try again!

 Beg and cry

Fail. Guess I'm just a muggle...

Tons more photos to come!

Ciao for now!

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