20120810, really this time.

I have got to stop writing the date I'm writing in and start writing the date I'm writing about in the title. Must make it confusing for everyone when I bounce back and forth. Apologies...
So! Friday, August 10th, 2012:
Woke up early as seems to be my pattern after flying. Sifted through my things for relevant items to carry around with me, and waited for Avery to get up. Caught up on all the correspondence I had accumulated since I'd announced my return to the States, blogged a bit, had a pipe. By the time I was done, Avery was up an had finished his shower so we booked tickets to New York on Monday, then realized the Nuyorican Poets Cafe that I have been wanting to go to for about the last 12 years, no big deal, was closed Mondays and had to alter it so that I am staying in New York from about 4pm Sunday to about 1 am Tuesday!
After our ticket adventure, Avery was hungry and was dragging me out the door for breakfast at the Busy Bee once again!
Ah, the symmetry of it!
While we were eating, we met a gentleman from Great Falls at the bar. (Of course we did! What're the odds? 1:3 of course!)
And after a delicious breakfast we headed down to meet up with Renee at The Lily Pad where a bunch of her students were putting on a gig! On the way I was calling family and ended up getting a hold of Cathy, another second cousin I believe, who said she would try and meet me at the Neuyorican Cafe! Ahem. Excited much? Anyway, it was very cool to hear the Black Eye Peas come out of a bunch of 10 year olds. After the gig we went to coffee, and I think I may have twisted Renee's arm enough to get her to come visit Bozeman, if not for me than at least for Vera Fare, our 100% gluten free restaurant! It's not only safe for me to eat anything in there, it's also some of the best food in Bozeman! And yes Bozeman, that's a challenge!
Anyway, after coffee we said goodbye in hopes that Renee might either join us in New York or see us for Avery's block party gig tomorrow, Saturday.
Went back to Avery's and called my second cousin Stephanie, whom I've never met before. Rushed to catch the train, failed, looked for alternate routes, Stephanie found one and gently guided us to it over the phone. What an AMAZING family I'm a part of! Ami, Stephanie's husband picked us up from the train station and brought us home, making us feel very welcome. Stephanie showed me around while Avery talked with this really fantastic lady whose name, I'm afraid, has completely escaped me. The house was painted and muraled by Stephanie and Ami and was incredible! Maybe one day when I own a house and have some extra money I will be able to get them to paint it! My family is amazing! I'm still thrilled at how they didn't even bat an eye at allowing me to bring Avery along for dinner; it was incredibly generous of them! And what a dinner! A very nice red from Trader Joe's that I will have to try and get again, and Ami set out his homemade hummus with oil that was to die for as an appetizer! Then, for the main, barbecued chicken, spicy sausage, and zucchini from the garden, as well as an amazing salad that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of. It was tomatoes, also from the garden, and a homemade oil dressing with little cubes of cheese in it. For desert, watermelon wedges! Are you hungry yet? My only regret was that I was either suffering from jet lag lack of appetite, or have just gotten used to smaller portions in England because I was only hungry enough for one large plateful. During the evening we had magnificent conversations about art, music, and literature! Stephanie and I talked about the family and she showed me the tree she had telling me I should connect with several other family members close to Bozeman and to get on the tree! Ah! Can I say it again? I love my family! When the evening was coming to a close, I was getting very tired from the food and the long days, Ami offered to take us home as the trains had stopped running and we talked for the whole drive. He told me how brave he felt it was for me to reach out to family I'd never met before, I said how brave I'd thought it was for them to accept me so readily. I was so touched by this I was about to burst! When we got back to Avery's, gave our thanks again and said our goodbyes, Avery and I were both beat so we sat, had a few pipes as we wound down, and then went to bed feeling incredibly blessed.
Ciao for now!

Location:Beacon St,Brookline,United States

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