Woah Boston! Don't go crazy on me!

Today I spent the first several hours trying to catch up on the blog's photos and contacting family who are trying desperately to make my final few days on this trip ones to remember.
It has been so astounding to me to have this huge family that loves me and wishes me well rallying for me. I can't even find the words to express my gratitude to you all. Please know you are truly appreciated! I'm so honored to be a part of your family.

Avery and I went to the Busy Bee for breakfast again, and then to the Western Union to pick up some money from my family. After this we caught a train to Riverside where the band that Avery plays fiddle for, The Broken Bottle Boys, was hired for a block party. I'd never been to an actual block party before so it was interesting to me when the street was actually closed off and the police were there redirecting traffic. There was a huge inflated bounce castle with a bunch of kids jumping around in it, kids selling lemonade and popcorn. Down the block there was a barbecue, beer, and a picnic table and pop canopy where they had raffle tickets to help fund the event. In between the kids area and the more adult area was a space for the bands who were from the block or who were friends of those that lived there and donating their music to the event. It was a lot of fun! Very wholesome. I kind of felt like I'd walked into Pleasantville. Party on.

Avery and I were both pretty hungry so we walked down to the square and grabbed lunch from this little Mexican restaurant there. It was kind of bland but otherwise not horrible. After lunch we went back to the party where Avery and his bandmates, Sam and Josh, tuned up. When their turn came up they went on and tore it up! Probably some of the best bluegrass I've heard. Of course, this should be no surprise coming from three Berklee students right? Anyway, I got a call from a friend and he told me he would send me some more money on Western Union later that afternoon. I'm going to make it people! You all rock! Anyway. After the gig we hung around for a while and mingled. The band got a lot of acclaim, and rightfully so, and they met a lady who was interested in jamming with them. After a while we packed up and Josh gave us a ride back to Brookline.

When we got home Avery and I sort of readjusted ourselves, Sangit called me and we made plans to get together later in the evening. I got Avery to run along with me back to the Western Union and, somehow, the bus never showed up. This would never happen in London. Just saying. We waited for about half an hour, long enough that the group of homeless people hanging out in the little wait-for-the-bus alcove offered us a drink. Finally we gave up and decided to walk. Got there, got the wire, started back, and I began talking with my best English accent. We popped into this little place so that Avery could get a milkshake and then headed across the street for the subway which lay kitty-corner. Crossing the first street I was accosted by a lady who loved me and wanted a drag off my pipe. Now, I'm not proud of this but I actually ran away from her. She was so tiny and dirty and handsy I was afraid I was going to loose my wallet or be kissed. Honestly, I'm not sure which would've been worse. Now, mind you, I'm not proud of this, normally I'm fairly sympathetic to all people, but she accosted me so quickly that I actually went into fight or flight mode and ran across the street.


Once safely across the street... I was still chatting with Avery in an English accent when a shirtless man came up to me and actually had, probably about a fifteen minute conversation with me about how I liked America. I sort of felt bad, again, for the subterfuge, but I really didn't know what else to do at the point he'd caught me I was sort of stuck in my role and being fairly loud about it so be the time he approached me I was well into character and would've looked really very stupid trying to renege on the escapade I'd laid out before myself. So. I kept up character and completely fooled this man. This I was slightly proud of, however disreputable the act may have been. And the man went away quite pleased with himself so I suppose things at least worked out on an upswing.


By now it was getting very late and I still needed to shower and shave before going out with Sangit. He wanted to take me clubbing and Avery was happy for a night in so I began to unpack and find my outfit, and went about making myself pretty. By the time I had finished and actually gotten out the door it was nearly 11:45 so we jumped right into a pub for a few shots and then went to one of the larger clubs in Boston, Royale. There we finished off our night before I was walked through the park and dumped ceremonially into a cab, waving goodbye to Sangit as I was driven to Avery's.

Once home, Avery kindly escorted my weeble-wobble self to the 7-11 where we picked up drunken munchies: chili, hot dogs, chips, and a big jug of orange juice. When we made it home I ate and promptly was unconscious.

Glamorous right? I know... I'm so classy.....

Ciao for now!

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