Woke up an got my butt in gear. I was told that checkout was at 10.00 so I needed to move. Luckily I was not hungover. Packed a bit, unpacked, repacked less, sorted, organized, showered, and then Jess got a hold of me and reminded me that Tom was making a traditional English Breakfast for us. Took a break. Turns out a Traditional English Breakfast is eggs, rashers, sausage, beans, toast, and tea. It looked amazing! It was too bad the only things i could have were the tea, beans and eggs; though, honestly, that was pretty good on its own! After breakfast, Jess and Tom went to Kew Gardens while I went off to double check the check out time. Good thing too. I had until 16.00, I used until 14.00.  I did finish around 13.00 but had lost my pipe pouch so I unpacked everything and went through touching every single item and making sure it wasn't in there. After doing that twice I gave up and went down to Reception to wait for Jess and Tom to return and say goodbye. While I was waiting I checked Facebook and discovered that Richard had found my pipe and pouch! Yay! I couldn't find him though so I just went back and kept on being lost in the interweberlands. Later, as 16.00 drew nigh, the time when Jess's cab was due to pick her up, I texted them to find out what was going on and where they were. Good answers, they were coming down from finishing sorting Jess's stuff and were going to the front parking lot. I packed up my gear and went out to say goodbye. After Jess left, I went and found Richard, got my pipe, said my goodbyes to my friends at Clayhill, promised I'd come back to watch Joe play at Cricketers that evening, and made an incredibly difficult trek to my hostel. Firstly, my bags were, are, freaking heavy when all stacked upon each other. Secondly, I was also carrying two bags of kitchen stuff, foods and whatnot. I did eventually prevail though!

Here's the London Underground Tube ride... Ghostbusters or Hell?

Right outside King's Cross St Pancras.

And later that evening when I finally got settled in to Clink 78 and then made it back again to Kingston to see Joe play at Cricketers and internally contrive it to be a send off party for me that just happened to coincide with Joe's playing at Cricketers.

Cara, me, Richard, Joe, Charlotte and Tom:

Joe and Tom:

and then we went to another bar, a club this time instead of a pub, where Cara was finally put in a cab and sent home. After we closed this club down we returned to Clayhill, Tom generously offering me his floor to crash on.

Perhaps later I'll post a couple of really poorly lit videos of Tom, right now my internet is running really slowly. Too many people on one wi-fi.

Ciao for now!

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