Today is the day I left England!
I woke up after about four hours of sleep, around 8 am, and got all packed and ready to leave. Packed in a flurry of hangover and resentment, and then did it again and again. I finally got it all packed and grabbed a shower and checked out. Another hostel ... stayer... (I'm going with it...) Alíx, who was employed at Camden Market and staying long term, came with Vicki, her friend Paul, and me to the London Eye. Everyone bought tickets but mine had expired, I'd had them since the Aquarium trip, so Alíx gave me hers telling me her mother worked there and would just give her more tickets. I think. She had a heavy French accent. After the London Eye we parted ways and Alíx and I went back to the hostel. I made a bunch of sandwiches, plugged in my iPhone, ate some stew and then left for Heathrow Airport! About a stop down the tube line I realized my iPhone was still plugged in and I had to go back. Went back, got my phone, chugged some water to help the hangover, said my goodbyes again, this time I even got to say goodbye to Clara, the Italian lady bartender, and then I was off! Caught the tube and then the Express train. I didn't see any place to purchase tickets for the train so I thought it was free for the Olympics or something, not so much; luckily they sold me a ticket on the train so I wasn't escorted back and made to start again! Got through security an onto the plane, once seated I realized the three people in my row on my side were all American! One was even an English Major, with one year left, who was doing the exact same layover and catching the same plane to Boston as I was! Eerie... Anyway, it turns out you can't sleep in KEV airport so I tried to stay awake, failed, and was gently toe-nudged awake by a guard.
Since then I've just passed through security again, getting pulled aside for extra screening by a lovely woman who's husband shared a similar hobby or photography with me and so I ended up charting with her until well after my screening was over. Since then I've been waiting, writing, eating sandwiches, which by the way, the English find PB&J to be disgusting, and trying to stay awake!
Ciao for now! I'll update again when I make it safely back to the States!

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