GOING to Stonehenge and Bath's Roman Baths today!
I got up early and got myself ready then high tailed it down to Victoria Coach Station where I found a lovely little cafe to have breakfast at:

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After that it was a long bus ride but then, Stonehenge!

Then we were off to Bath!

And here it is! The Roman Bath House!

The view of Bath Abbey from the Roman Baths:

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And a lady, just kickin' it in the square, singing opera:

Now I had several other 360ยบ videos, unfortunately, the Looker app that makes them happen on the iPhone crashed and, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to open again so I lost all the lover level videos... Needless to say, Kogeto is going to be getting a strongly worded email from me about the need for reliability.

Here are some of the pieces of the Bath house that have been salvaged from deterioration:

And the Statue man with the pigeons:

After this incredibly full day I slept on the bus all the way back to London. When I got back to the Kingston Station there was a sign that reminded me of my Papa, my Sister, and my Stepmom:

Then I saw this which reminded me of my Mama!


I got home and went to bed.

Ciao for now!

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