Okay, what a weekend... Not really busy but definitely a surreal one. I woke up at about 4:30 and went and saw off my friends Saturday morning. After that I really didn't do much until 10, save pack since I had to switch rooms. After 10 I spent all day moving into my new flat. So, i was almost done moving my things into Reception so that I could trade keys for my new flat. I was on my last run, just grabbing my food so that it would spend the least amount of time out of the fridge and it happened... I finally knocked the fire extinguisher off the wall... I was so sure it would happen, all session. One of those fleeting thoughts you have, over and over, like background noise you're so used to it becomes invisible until it's pointed out to you again. Yeah, it was pointed out. When the fire extinguishers come off their little pin hanger it sets off the fire alarm. My last minute and a half in my flat and THAT's when I set off the fire alarm... I was so tired I just let it go off, finished packing my stuff and after about 20 seconds it sort of wound down, like a wind up noise maker, it became all sad and uncertain in itself and then finally stopped making noise. I decided I'd finish moving before I got into trouble for that so I swapped keys, moved all my stuff into my room, figured out I'd forgotten a few dishes in my old flat and then went and 'fessed up. Interestingly, the little wind up fire alarm is supposed to set off the whole block unless it malfunctions. If that had happened I would have had to pay something like £130 for the fire department to do a system reset. Lucky me it malfunctioned! O.o Anyway, I got my dishes and went and made some lunch. I figured out I was not supplied with pots and pans and whatnot yet so I went and asked and they said they'd get them to me on Sunday since it was getting late and their log had filled up. No biggie, sammiches it is! Ran in to Sainsbury and picked up a microwave soup dinner thing. Comes in a plastic bag and you just nuke the whole thing, shake it, nuke it some more and then eat it out of the bag. It was actually REALLY tasty! Anyway, after my light lunch I helped Tonu move, and when I was finishing that Boey was at the bottom of the stairs so I carried her stuff to her floor for her. Ugh! By then it was about 4 so I spent the rest of the day working on my paper, not getting very far, changing my mind on the prompt, giving up and then went and met some friends for a drink that I was told was gluten free, Strongbow Cider.

Sunday: Got up and basically spent the entire day working on my paper. Finally settled on a prompt, my third one, and reread everything I'd need for the paper, taking notes as I went. After I finished that it was about 6pm so I ran to the store for stuff to cook and clean with, and some more easy stuff to eat. After that little trip I sat down to start writing. Got done at around 5 pm Monday. I have no idea what happened but this was the most difficult paper I've ever written. I wrote and revised it so many times and still it's only subpar. Anyway. Nothing I can do. I emailed it in and had just enough time to rush down and pick up this new little toy I'll be sharing with you later. For now it'll be a surprise. :) When I got that surprise toy I swung through Kingston, played around on some knocked over phone booths and walked home, making a quick stop to top up my phone. Yeah, I pretty much stayed close to home all night after that and just relaxed.

Here are some more photos from the Final Dinner:

Fiona having a wig out because I was going to have a pipe. Maybe a wee bit hyper, ha ha!


My crazy eye. Not sure why it was happening but I'm sure it was necessary.


Live music deserves a good lighter, mine just happens to live inside my iPhone and produce no heat.

Picking up groceries on Satur...unday?

Oh, so here's something interesting that happened. You see that guy ^ next to the yellow bag? After I'd been sitting on this bench for maybe 15 minutes, just relaxing, he came over to me in a sudden burst of energy and tried to sell my lighters and socks. It was kinda strange.

A bag with the 2016 Olympics sticker on it, to be held in Rio.

This is in Kingston, maybe a 20 minute walk from Clayhill.

Ciao for now!

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