Catching Up!

Apologies for my absence!

Let us see, where did I leave off?

Fairly certain I've covered this, but I may not have told it as a story.

I have continued to wake up at 5am. It seems to be a brilliant way to enjoy a morning of wandering around Surbiton and Kingston villages before my day actually begins. After breakfast I tried to find my books and was successful in getting all of them for London and its Literature as ebooks, however I have failed miserably at attaining even a single book for Creative Writing in London. Hopefully I will track down a nice quaint little bookstore in the near future and be able to catch up quickly.
After I figured out what my reading situation was I looked up an Apple Store and found one in Kingston at a mall. This should have been a simple bus ride on the 281. Of course, anything simple must inherently be, at least on the surface, or until something becomes striking about it, forgettable. I boarder the double decker bus, found my way to the front seat on the top and sat down to read some Sherlock Holmes while I waited to arrive at my stop. I must say that Doyle has surprised me. I looked up after reading the majority of "A Scandal in Bohemia" to find myself at the last stop, the end of the line for the 281. Having no pressing plans I composed myself and began wandering around to get a feel for this new place I'd found myself in. I ended up in a little strip mall and, regaining wi-fi connectivity, I looked up a route back to the Apple Store. This time I was successful. I tracked down an ethernet to USB adapter with the help of Derrick (I believe his name was) and then popped out to the ATM for a withdraw so that I could get some headphones and finally have some music.
My return trip was uneventful and I ended up back at the flat spending the majority of the day attempting, unsuccessfully, to organize a trip into town for one reason or another. Likely to go to The Phantom of the Opera which hasn't, as of yet, happened.

One interjection of an especially calming event happening around Friday or Saturday (I believe, as I'm writing this several days after the fact), I have finally found gluten free bread! Praises to PB&J!

Sunday, July 1st, my birthday:
I meandered in to Surbiton to find some more gluten free food and bring it back to make breakfast. After breakfast I finished setting up my electronics and did some laundry. I'd collaborated with several people to go to Henry V for my birthday over the last few days and today I was texting everyone to figure out what the plans were. My laundry finished just in time for me to toss it on my bed and head down to meet the two people, Elizabeth and Margaret (who happens to be from MSU as well), who decided to come with. We headed out and caught the train to Waterloo. Boarding the train, we were discussing where we were going and how best to get there and, a man who had overheard our conversing offered us the easiest way to get there to settle our counfusion.
Get off the train at Waterloo. Exit the station by taking the escalator directly in front of the platform down to the street. Take a left and go until you hit the South Bank (Thames River). Turn right and wakl until you find The Globe.
and it really was that easy.

On the way we passed this guy. I
ll post a few videos in the next blog since I forgot my iPhone in my room which has all the vids on it. This guy was blowing fire out of the top of his instrument while playing! It was sweet!

Bart in the sand at low tide:

The Globe!

Turns out standing for hours on end is NOT one of those skills you hang on to after quitting doing security... Standing for the three hours of this was painful!
Anyway, after that we meandered around, kind of looking for a place to eat.

Found one, a cute little cafe that is completely lost to me at this point, I'll find it again and report back! Anyway... This place was brilliant! The ladies got some dinner and I got some chamomile tea, they followed it up with a warm, homemade brownie with a scoop of ice cream on it! Looked decadent! Then we found our way back to Waterloo and caught a train home!

That was basically the end of Sunday. :)

Monday! First day of classes!

Got up, had breakfast, went to class. Class was fantastic! For the first part we just covered some literary history and figured out where everyone was as far as literary knowledge. We took a break for a two hour lunch and then watched The Beggar's Opera with Lawrence Olivier! Class was done after that and I went back to Surbiton and hung out with some fellow students. We hit The Coronation Room pub up for a single drink and then went back to the flats for an after party. Basically the end of the night!

Alright!!! I've almost got you guys caught up! Whew! A lot has happened! (yeah, a lot, not alot

just saying...)

Location:Burney Ave,Surbiton,United Kingdom

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