Double Decker Bus Ride!

So, I hopeed on the bus earlier to get to an Apple store and grab an ethernet to USB adapter, who;d have known that there was something like that? I have been having a heck of a time trying to track down wi-fi hotspots to stay in touch, now I have the inter webs right in my room!

I am on the bus reading some Sherlock Holmes and waiting for my stop, the next thing I know it's the end of the line and I have to get off and figure out where I am and how to get back, ha ha! Well, I walk around a bit and see what's going on in this little area, the end of the line for the 281 from Kingston to ... Wherever I was, ha ha! Well, I end up feeling like I should be getting back to my errands and homework so I head over to the bus stop and start trying to figure things out. Right in the nick of time (where did that phrase come from anyway? Anyone know?) I figure it out and hop on the bus pulling toward me. This time, I figure I might as well pay attention so i just wait it out and plan my day. I finally arrive at the Bentall Centre, which is a 4 story mall with an Apple Store in it. This is how I finally went to my first Apple Store in my first overseas adventure in the most amazing story of my life! Aren't you privileged to have seen this first? ;) Anyway. Here are some of the fun and pretty sights on the way back to Surbiton from the Bentall Centre at the top of a double decker bus. For some reason, these front seats are always open. I wonder if it's like a sign from the locals that us silly tourists are actually welcome here? I'd like to think so! Dear me, I just keep going on and on! Here's a bunch of pretty pictures. Quite a few duplicates at the end but that's a technical issue I was working on  and then I just decided to post all of them and you could decide what was going on. Those who do, yeah, you've been here too huh?

Hmmm, I'm thinking Karaoke tonight and Henry V tomorrow for my birthday. What do you think? Yeah, I thought it sounded good too!

1 comment:

    I remember the day you were born... ;) It all started with laughter! :D Up late at a friend's barbecue, around midnight, we were playing Uno and making silly jokes. I got the giggles and ended up sitting on the floor giddily holding my sides while my friends looked down at me with mildly perplexed good humor. Then suddenly I became quite weary. I retired to the bedroom to rest. Then home to bed. However, sleepy as I felt, sleep would not come. Around 2 am I began to feel an odd little flutter, subtle but gradually more and more unmistakeable. By 5 am I woke your Papa to tell him that I thought things were happening. We called Bernie, our nurse practitioner; she advised us to go to the hospital since my 'flutters' were about 5 to 6 minutes apart. There I was told that it would be some time before things really got rolling, so off to the mall for air-conditioned walking, perhaps a light (and this was emphasized) lunch (I was later to regret not having followed the decree!), and a nap (ha ha). By mid-afternoon, we were back at the hospital. Many short stories later (7:01 pm) you, along with my heart, were born. I love you to pieces Rio Jade! Happy Birthday! <3 tu Mamala
