
Such an intense day! I can't believe I got it all done!

Stayed up late, until 4 am, talking to a friend in need. Big stresses and worries that one has. I have faith though! It'll all turn out alright there.

Woke up late, around 1:30pm, having missed breakfast with the family at Perkins. Checked my email, a good thing as I'd missed a package, an umbrella from GustBusters and had to schedule to go and pick it up tonight, otherwise it would have been delivered on Monday. That'd be just a little too late for me at this point. Made the call, got that handled and then got a call from the Study Abroad office. Turns out, after a short conversation with Alyson, (Thanks for that call by the way!!!) there is specific documentation that I'm supposed to take to prove to the security peoples, once I land in London, that I have £1000 in my account. They make certain of this so that a person isn't a drain on their economy.

Once I got off the phone with Alyson I was going to scan all my important documents and cards into my computer in case I lost them. That was when I realized my concealed weapons permit was going to expire while I'll be overseas. Unacceptable.
At this point, my todo list is:
Meet family for breakfast (FAIL)
Eat "breakfast"
Get a shower
Renew CWP
Pick up cake for my aunt's birthday
Get signed & stamped bank statement & notarized letter of proof of funds
Get business cards for the trip
Family dinner at 7.
Right. Well about this time my cousins call and are getting into town and come hang out for a bit. Once they leave I frantically rush out to reapply for the CWP which took an hour. Once that was done I swung past the bakery but the fam had already gotten the cake so I rushed across town to my bank, arriving 10 minutes before 5. Sorted out the financial issue and rushed back to get my cards arriving 10 minutes after 5, their closing time. They were kind enough to let me in to get my cards though so all worked out. About this time I checked my phone to discover that UPS had my umbrella at the station so I went to pick that up, again on the opposite end of town. Went home, sat down, and the next thing I knew it was 6:45! Had dinner and a drink with another cousin after then came home to find Peeper, the baby magpie, gone! I've looked everywhere so all I can do is hope. And NOW a stray dog, Beau Duke,

has come up while I'm writing this and I'm waiting for his owner to come pick him up.
What a day!

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