
Sorry for my absence! I've basically just been settling in. Yesterday, I landed in Terminal 3 and had to find my way to Terminal 4,

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where I was supposed to meet up with Phillip. I was met the next morning outside Terminal 4 and, once two more students had landed found us, had to go back to Terminal 3. There Phillip left us with Paul and a few more students and, after we were all accounted for, we ended up being taken back to the dorms by a taxi driver who could thread his van within an inch or so of anything he happened to have to have to avoid. By the time we had gotten to our dorms I had to put my head between my legs to keep from vomiting. I was more jet-lagged from the car ride than flying over the Atlantic!
Once we got back on solid ground Chloe showed up and, knowing all of us by name from pictures she'd had, she guided us to the check-in area. We signed in and received our keys and new phones, a welcome packet with several maps and a nifty little Kingston bag.
After we had each made it through the queue, gotten our welcome packs, and been given the ground rules for the dorms, we were taken to our units at which time I quickly unpacked and showered. As I was unpacking I realized that the MacBook Air did not have an ethernet port and there is no Wi-Fi in the dorms! Exasperating! Looks like I will be spending a significant amount of time in the common room. Anyway, once I was set up I returned to get a nice little bag lunch and to upgrade my phone. Then we broke into groups and headed off to tour Surbiton.

This little village, district or whatever it might be called (I'll find out and report back), is gorgeous! Perhaps a 10 minute walk from my front door, quaint, compact, and possessing everything a person needs!
At the end of our tour three ladies, Elizabeth, Tiffany, Elena, and myself walked down the road to the Thames River and, becoming hungry, quickly returned to Surbiton to shop for food and supplies. I simply got a 6 pack of eggs, which, if you don't know, aren't refrigerated here, and oil. Shopping complete, we returned to the dorms to settle in. Finally. So sleepy.

Location:Dizzy in London

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