20120709-10 Photo Dump!

New Photos!
So I was meandering around yesterday. I really wanted to get my hands on a USB hub so I could charge all my electronics simultaneously instead of juggling and having them die on me all the time. I also needed a cable to charge my iPad keyboard since I forgot mine and have been using it this whole time. I can't believe it lasted this long honestly! Anyway, I got suckered into a purchase I've wanted for ages but never invested in. Until now. What do you think of the cool new photo lenses for the iPhone? Now you can really see what I want to show you instead of just a plethora of semi cool shots! Dear god I'm not spending any more money while I'm here though. Good thing I have my diet figured out and can feed myself for like 4 days on £20 now!

The walk to ClayHill dorms

After I got home I pretty much just hung out with some of the people that work here. Serena, Charlotte, Dave, Natalie, Emily (dear me I hope I have everyone's name right!) and a couple of new people whom I have only seen the one time. They invited me to dinner for curry and so I figured I would help chip in and bring a couple of cheap bottles of wine. One was Montana brand, from New Zealand... Actually it wasn't bad! Turned out that the curry had gluten in the broth so I just had wine, which was okay since I'd just eaten before they told me about dinner. So we hung out and I told them about guns and bondage, taught a few rope tricks and knots, and then called it a night!

And today! Tuesday the 10th!
We met up at Waterloo for class. Field trip day! We went to The Foundlings Hospital Museum and several bookstores before coming home. Once I got back I picked up some groceries, yeah, again a full cupboard for under £20, and walked home! It's been rainy today! Like I'm in London or something crazy like that! Then there was the Games with British Students and Barbecue with British Students event which I partook in as much as I could make myself before retiring to do some homework and blog to you fine folks!

Here are the pictures from today!

 This is what happens when the HDR catches too much movement. Sigh... And exactly why I post both shots!

Ciao for now!

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