Friday the 13th!
7:15 am, stupid fire alarm testing... They're crying wolf weekly now apparently...
So, today we talked about Oliver Twist in the morning, and then went on the Charles Dickens walk in the afternoon!

That's pretty much a photo tour of the Charles Dickens Walk which follows the scenes of Oliver Twist through the book.

After this event I caught the tube and train back to Surbiton. Grabbed some more food from the grocery store, Sainsbury, and started to feel my hangover from yesterday's antics. I'd taken and polished off the end of a bottle of really gross vodka from the drunkies so they would stop drinking at Doug's party. Today, bad vodka hates my belly and my brain. Stupid, bad vodka... Oi...

On the walk back from Sainsbury I ran into Doug who was heading out for his post birthday dinner. He couldn't remember parts of last night so I promised I'd catch him up when he got back from dinner and when I got some food in me. I ran upstairs and made a chicken stick thing and then when I came back down to smoke they told me the plan for a surprise party for Doug.

Interjection: I am currently falling asleep at my keyboard so this may be a little abrupt.

Doug came back from dinner and the surprise party was a success!

Now I am finally fed and happy. All the dishes are done and I am ready for the sleep thing.

Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. These photos are amazing Rio! I wish I was there with you. I'm so glad you are doing well and having a great experience! Can't wait to see you when you get back!
