Alright... This is the third time I have tried to write this post... My BlogPress app keeps crashing and erasing it... So, with alacrity.

Got up late because I had a wee nip o' Uisge Beathe last night. Turns out partying during the work week is like Tricks cereal, it's for kids who can still take that kind of abuse...
Not it nose.

Anyway. I missed breakfast trying to catch up with sleeping in but I did get ready pretty well and I didn't forget anything, also good. Met a group of classmates outside and we walked to the train to Waterloo Station and were soon at the station meeting up with all of the others. About 20 minutes after our scheduled meeting time, right when we were all about to text our professor and see if we had gotten mixed up or something, she walks up. Her train had been delayed. One thing I've noticed here is that there really isn't a sense of urgency. If you're late, there's a reason. You try to be as punctual as possible but nobody ever seems really freaked out or stressed if they aren't exactly on time. Like "Wizard's time"

A wizard is never late Frodo Baggins
After Anna showed up we meandered down to the Saison Poetry Library in The Royal Festival Hall on  the South Bank of the Thames River. 

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Fromt he balcony while we waited for the library to open:

Once inside, after our little introduction, this was the first book I saw! Sort of surreal to find this here as she is a New York poet, one of my favorite contemporaries, who's book has too graphic a cover to actually be allowed to be sold in bookstores in America. Special order only. Or a digital copy on Google Books.

Desk signed by many a poet of impressive standard!

Off to lunch!

They ate at this little place. Not sure of the name as it had nothing gluten free so I won't be going back, but it had a lovely garden!

A hobbit strip mall back on the South Bank on our way to The National Gallery:

Skate park on South Bank

Trafalgar Square!

What a great day! All this and then looking at paintings and writing about whatever they inspire us to write about! I LOVE LONDON! I LOVE THIS CLASS!

It's settled... One day, I'm moving here.

After the Gallery class was over so they all started back to Waterloo. I hung back to call my Mama and hang out in Trafalgar square, just to be there, and then maybe head off to find a tobacconist. After chatting with mom for a while I realized I hadn't eaten yet today and decided to head back to Surbiton in lieu of hunting around for a tobacconist. Got off the train, stopped at Sainsbury, got some bread and peanut butter and found a GF blueberry muffin and headed back home to do homework and blog!

Yay! I finally caught you all up! Another post soon to come!

Ciao for now!

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