Woo! So I think I'm figuring out how to do this blogging on the daily thing. We'll see if I can keep it up through the week. ;)

So after catching up on my blogging and dumping a load of clothing into the wash this morning I chatted with Charlotte and a few other people who work here at Clay Hill about local things to do if you aren't looking to be a tourist. They gave me a list of good stuff. I'm hoping to check some of it out tomorrow night. After that I threw my washing into the dryer and got a text from Doug telling me I was going to the Aquarium with the group. Awesome! Paired tickets for the Aquarium and the London Eye? Rock! I really didn't want to spent the money but, gotta grab life by the horns on this trip since I may not be able to make it back for a long time... It's surreal, thinking back on Bozeman and my life there, I really don't want to come home. The only things I miss are my family, friends and pets. My daily life as a whole doesn't actually have much of a draw for me. Kind of sad...
Right! On to Aquarium photos and videos!

After the aquarium we meandered around the SouthBank for a while. We watched a dance show at the Inside Out Theatre and I have to get them some of the film shots I took while we were there. We also tried to watch some other street performers but the crowds were pretty thick so we didn't see much. I got my photo with Jack Sparrow though! Good enough for a day's work, that is!

The guy's damn near uncanny isn't he?

After that it started to show us what London rain could really be like! It rolled in and within a few minutes it went from warm, nearly hot out to completely overcast and torrentially down-pouring! We ran between dry places until we got back to Waterloo and by the time we got to Surbiton it was beautiful out again. Tried to do some shopping and only partially succeeded, though we did see this funny little scene

then walked home, discovering on the way that the little corner shop nearest the flats has free delivery! Very exciting! Finally got home and, instead of joining everyone for a large dinner like we'd planned I ended up upstairs basically zoning out in front of my computer. I went to check on my laundry only to find someone had tried to order a pizza from the sketchy looking automated pizza dispenser in the common room and it had burnt the thing, set off the alarm and the fire officials had shut down the building until morning. Looks like I'll have a pile of clothing to rediscover then...
Well, that about covers my day. I'm off to make that dinner and hit the hay. Hopefully I can readjust my schedule, get up early, have some of this fantastic new tea and be one of the first to reacquire my belongings from the common room at 7 am tomorrow when they'll be allowing people back in.

Ciao for now!

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