Pretty much a lazy day. I just kind of hung out and tried to get some inspiration for my paper, failing miserably for the most part. Actually, today was a solid recuperation day. I spent the entirety at Clayhill save a quick run in to grab a few groceries.

I got up around 7, puttered around online for the entire morning. I made some "breakfast" and went to Cafe Nero to work on my paper getting very little done before I tried of find an open shop, unfortunately London turns itself off at 4pm on Sundays. Came back and was going to work on the paper some more but I got invited out by the staff here at Clayhill so I went with them to The Cricketers  where they bought me several drinks and we listened to some fantastic live music performed by a few of their friends and a coworker! Great night! Met a Scottish couple, they made me promise to come back on Thursday night, Game Night, which they host. And I was entreated to wear my kilt again!

Monday: Class! Oliver Twist. Our conversation focused on feminism, femininity, and the portrayal of women by Dickens in the novel. Instead of having a two hour lunch, we opted for a 30 minute break and then watched the movie from 1948. Now I'm back at the flat, catching up on my blogging, recuperating from the mania of being in London and go go going all the time, and working on my paper for the rest of the night! I promise, more good blogs and photos will be coming up soon!

To satisfy your love of the multimedia (I've got it too, don't worry) here are some pictures I've pulled from my fellow Study Abroaders Facebook pages of a bunch of us around London.

 We spelled out London and I was kind of holding up the London Eye.

Random chaos at Covent Gardens.

 Squishing the tower with Big Ben in it.

Peek-a-boo Train!

Bond... James Bond.

Um... Yeah. Somewhere in London. I think it's Covent Gardens again but I'm not 100% certain.

Ciao for now!

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