Alright! I basically sat in my room and worked on my portfolio all day. It shouldn't have taken all day, but Apple came out with an upgraded OS and every time they do that you have to upgrade your App Store purchases or they go nucking futs! Well, I didn't remember or realize this until around three in the afternoon, by which time I had finished hacking my portfolio together in an application (Pages) that kept crashing about every three minutes; basically every time I got a few lines written the program crashed. So, after sending a dirty letter with a crash report to Apple reps, calling my professor and discussing my situation, and forcing my way through several hours of hellish formatting, crashing and beginning again, I checked to see if any updates were available. No such luck. However there was a new OS. This basically meant there were updates that I couldn't have but needed. Bought the upgrade, installed the new OS, installed updates and guess what, IT FIXED EVERYTHING! ..... Grrr..... So I quickly polished my portfolio and sent it in. After that travesty of electronic operations had subsided it was about time to go to the Final Dinner, a three course meal at a four star Holiday Inn. It was fantastic! Lots of photos were taken, lots of food was eaten, and a prize was won, a tea candle holder, for this photo which I believe you've all seen:
Here is about half of the people from the Study Abroad program, I didn't have a chance to get the rest photographed before the end of the night:

After dinner I caught a cab back to the flat, wrote this, chatted with my Mama, and went to bed. Gotta get up early and bust out this last paper!

Ciao for now!

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